Altjóða svimjisambandið FINA hevur nú kunngjørt, at HeimsMeistarastevnan er flutt til í juli 2023, sum annars skuldi verða nú í mai 2022, og sum upprunaliga skuldi hava verið í juli 2021. Og sum fylgja av hesum, er HeimsMeistarastevnan á Stuttgeil flutt til januar 2024, sum annars skuldi verða í november 2023.

“Given the current pandemic situation and the measures currently in place in Japan, FINA and key stakeholders of the Fukuoka 2022 Organising Committee have agreed to reschedule the 19th FINA World Championships to 14-30 July 2023. The 20th FINA World Championships in Doha, Qatar, will now take place in January 2024. These decisions have been taken in the best interests of everyone involved,” FINA President Husain Al-Musallam said. “FINA will continue to prioritise the welfare of competition participants and take decisions as early as possible given the circumstances, in order to provide a measure of certainty to aquatics athletes and those who support them.”
Sí tíðindaskrivið her á heimasíðu FINA