Bretska svimjisambandið skrivar her um hvussu tey nú eru noydd at skerja sína størstu stevnu í árinum, so at hon nú ‘bara’ er úttøkustevna heldur enn eisini bretska meistaraheitið, og so at har ikki longur er nøkur juniormeistarastevna. Trist at lesa … og eitt sindur ófrættakent eisini, hetta sum tey skriva um EJM og HJM:
Given this very specific focus of the event, we feel we can no longer call this a British Championships, hence the revision of the event title to the 2021 British Swimming Selection Trials.
We have also removed the junior-specific element of the Trials, given the overwhelming majority of young swimmers have not been able to train for the best part of the last 12 months, that there has been no announcement from LEN or FINA around dates and venues for the 2021 European Junior or World Junior Championships, school term dates around the Easter period are still fluid and variable, and our ability to reasonably select any junior representative teams has been severely compromised.
Kelda: British Swimming
Eitt heldur serligt er, at tey vegna korona-avmarkingar eru noydd at avmarka stevnuna til bara OL-greinar, ið sum kunnugt merkir at har tá ikki verður nøkur kapping í 50 firvald, rygg og bringu. Tey verða allarhelst noydd at skerja luttakaratalið, so at summi ikki sleppa at luttaka hóast tey eru kvalifiseraði. Og hetta verður alt í eini ‘boblu’, tá ið tað kemur til yvirnátting osfr.