Tað er fallið nógvum fyri bróstið, at Jeanette Ottesen tók til Twitter og Facebook at skelda, aftaná kolldøming í 100 firvald á North Sea Swim Meet 2014. Lesið til dømis her á SwimmingWorld og her á SwimSwam, umframt viðmerkingar til hennara egna post her á Facebook.
Thank you North Sea Swim Meet for giving amateur officials a chance to wrongly disqualify me.I WAS so pleased with 56.32 still counts to me.
— Jeanette Ottesen (@OttesenJeanette) November 9, 2014
Kolldømingin var eftir øllum at døma vegna eina framføring undir vatni á veg inn í vending. Reglurnar siga at man í firvald skal føra hendurnar fram yvir vatnskorpuna, og at ein bringutaks-líkandi framføring tí ikki er loyvd. Um man hyggur at videoini her við umleið 10 minuttum, so sæst nokk so týðiligt at Ottesen ger okkurt sum líkist einum ‘skodd-øvilsi’ beint áðrenn innslag aftaná 50 metrar, tí at hon var nakað langt úti aftaná síðsta regluliga firvaldatak.
Men kolldøming ella ei, so eru tað fleiri sum taka tað illa upp, at hon fer soleiðis við dómarunum, at kalla teir fyri amatørar. Sum ein sigur “Amateur officials? Do professional swimming officials even exist?”. Og ein annar “I forgot, she was swimming at the North Sea World Championships/Olympics”. Til hennara post á Facebook viðmerkir ein sum týðiligvís hevur við stevnuna at gera:
The North Sea Swim Meet was very happy to have both, Jeanette and the Danish National Team in Stavanger this weekend. We (The Meet Organizing Committee and everyone else) fully understand your disappointment in being disqualified. It is correct that the officials at the North Sea Swim Meet are “amateurs” – however highly qualified and experienced. Nevertheless, the most important thing for both athletes and officials is to do their very best, and for the referees – treat everyone equally. This disqualification was correct, and it was also confirmed by your coach later Sunday evening, after they had gone through a tape showing the turn. Thank you for a fantastic performance in the North Sea Swim Meet 2014. You are a role model for a lot of young swimmers world wide – it is also valid for them to see that mistakes are done –also for the very best! We wish you all the best in the 12th FINA World Swimming Championships in Doha in December. We will follow you, and cheer for you, and we hope to see you in Stavanger and the North Sea Swim Meet in 2015.
Sum heild hevur Jeanette Ottesen fingið ta uppmerksomheit sum hon kanska ynskti (ella ikki), tá ið skrivaði hatta á Twitter. Tað allarnýggjasta eg havi sæð er at tað verður endurgivið á Peking Press