Oussama Mellouli, Garret Weber-Gale og Cameron van der Burgh skriva og leggja myndir á Twitter úr Dubai. Nýggjar dagføringar, ella ‘tweets’, eru at finna í boksini “Tutl og tvætl úr svimjiheiminum” ovast til høgru.
Oussama fer at luttaka í 200 frí mikumorgun, 400 blandað hósmorgun, 400 frí fríggjamorgun og 1500 frí sunnudag.
“Barely made it on the plane this morning. On my way to Dubai now. Bring on the heat!!”
Garret luttekur í 4×100 frí mikumorgun og 100 frí leygarmorgun. 100 frí er uppá avboð frá einum øðrum svimjara.
“Dark. Laying in bed. Ears serenaded by chant from some man praying outside my window. Exotic. Pleasing. New. Intrigued by culture in Dubai”
Cameron svimur 100 bringu mikumorgun, 50 bringa leygarmorgun og møguliga 4×100 blandað sunnumorgun.
“Arrived in Dubai. Little chilli! Great flight!”
Á Swimnetwork.com fortelur Weber-Gale, hvussu hann fínpussar vendingarnar, ið eru umráðandi á stuttgeil í Dubai. Herfyri gekk tað ikki so væl hjá honum í Texas:
“…Thinking back to the race I realized I wasn’t lifting my head early enough to judge the distance into the wall. Instead of looking at the T on the bottom of the pool I look at the wall when I turn….
…I’ve noticed is that my best turns come when I look towards the wall starting a bit outside the flags. As I approach the wall I gently lift my head and look up with my eyes towards the wall. What a difference this tactic makes…”