Eddie Reese leggur upp til uppreistur ímóti FINA ?

SwimNews.com endurgevur her viðurkenda venjaran hjá Texas Longhorn Eddie Reese fyri í skrivi at siga “It is time to openly start another organization … the best swimming nations have a “universal games” at the same time as the Olympics. The athletes would be very important in this situation (as they always are).” Men sum Tony Austin vísir á her á scaq.blogspot.com, so hevur FINA upplivað sovorðið fyrr, og straffar hart: “If you swam at a non-FINA event, you were banned from FINA events forever. PERIOD!”

Eddie Reese er er venjarin aftanfyri heimsnøvn sum Aaron Piersol, Brendan Hanson og Ian Crocker, og nevndarlimur í American Swimming Coach Organization (ASCA), har John Leonard sum kunnugt er formaður, ið herfyri legði eftir FINA fyri at vera ódemokratiskt. Teir eru eftir øllum at døma fleiri høgstandandi venjarar, sum ikki trívast við at FINA vil avmarka teirra rætt at koma við uppskotum til kongressina, at broyta reglugerðina hjá FINA. Ein rættur sum sambært SwimNews hevur noytt FINA til viðgera ymiskt “where FINA was seemingly reluctant to go”, so sum at straffa Kina fyri dopingina har í 90-unum.

Craid Lord hevur tað sum kunnugt ikki gott við superdraktir, og lýsir tí út í æsir at hesi fólkini í USA ræðast at superdraktirnar skulu koma aftur, enntá ið enn villari útgávur har hernaðarlig tøkni verður nýtt, sum kann køva nervaskipanina til ikki at føla møði. Latum okkum skunda okkum yvir til at hoyra eina eitt sindur ørvísi orðing frá Tony Austion á scaq.blogspot.com, ið sum kunnugt er ógvuliga nógv fyri superdraktum: “FINA has decided that they are tired of the USA & Australia dictating how the sport should be conducted and they don’t like the voters telling them what they don’t want to do.”

Og sum nevnt her í tí innleiðandi, so hevur FINA i denn grad møguleika fyri sanktiónir, við tað at tey kunnu útiloka fólk með alla frá luttøku innan FINA (sum er so gott sum øll kappsvimjing sum vit kenna í dag): “FINA was once confronted with a rogue governing body from Brazil and they dealt with them swiftly and with lots of prejudice and threats. If you swam at a non-FINA event, you were banned from FINA events forever. PERIOD! That was their “nuclear option” and it was “Game-on; finger on the button; Hallelujah, the missiles are flying, baby! “”

Víðari vísir Tony Austin á, at FINA hevur tann éina stóra trumfin, sum er altjóða olympiska nevndin IOC: “The potential of watering down our Olympic presence and/or medal potential at an Olympic games while two governing bodies summarily conduct a silly “street fight” over textile tech-suits and voting power is way beyond the IOC to comprehend or even tolerate. They don’t care about the morals or the ethics of swimsuits, they want a successful Olympics with no outside competition to dilute their billion-dollar party.”

SwimNews vísir at enda á at vit nokk koma at hoyra meira heilt skjótt, við tað at altjóða venjararáðstevna verður nú í vikuni í Indianapolis: “An interesting week ahead then in Indianapolis as ASCA and WSCA (the World Swimming Coaches Association) discuss whether to abandon life under the FINA umbrella 102 years after the international federation was formed.”

One thought on “Eddie Reese leggur upp til uppreistur ímóti FINA ?”

  1. What’s interesting in all of this is that ASCA has not come out with any position that I have seen condemning or supporting anything independently of the party line (USA SWIMMING) with regards to the Child Abuse issue which is at the forefront of USA Swimming right now. Are they trying to shift public focus away from the problem? This seems like much ado about nothing to me.

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