Phelps meldar møguliga pass til draktirnar eru burtur

FINA stjórnin váttaði offisielt í gjár, at tey fara at gera sum atkvøðugreiðslan á aðalfundi her í Rom kravdi, og forbjóða superdraktum frá einaferð í 2010. Men har vit hildu at talan fór at vera um skeringspunkt tann 1. januar 2010, sigur FINA stjórnin nú, at tað nokk verður einaferð í apríl ella mai. Venjarin hjá Michael Phelps er illum um hetta, og sigur at Phelps møguliga fer at droppa altjóða svimjistevnur, til draktir sum Arena X-Glide og Jaked J01 eru burtur. A”t FINA eigur at “do something or they’re going to lose their guy who fills these seats”. FINA nevnir eisini ein annan trupulleika, at tey nú skulu til at definera, hvat eitt “tekstil” er, í mun til hesar stoyptu gummidraktirnar sum svimjararnir svimja í, í dag. Les


2 thoughts on “Phelps meldar møguliga pass til draktirnar eru burtur”

  1. The reputation and ongoing success of the sport of swimming is of paramount importance to Speedo. The recent introduction of 100% non-permeable buoyant wetsuits and their impact on performance has cast a shadow over the sport. This has put swimmers in a very compromising position, leading to FINA’s decision today to ban the use of non-permeable fabrics in performance swimsuits from 2010.

    As the world’s leading swimwear brand, which has been responsible for every major legal innovation in swimming for 80 years, we support FINA’s role in setting and managing the rules for the sport of swimming. Their decision today is not unexpected as a means of calling a halt to the confusion and controversy that has been created as a result of the introduction by some manufacturers of fully non-permeable buoyant wetsuits for the 13th FINA World Championships, 2009.

    Speedo has never sought to compromise the integrity of the sport and has never created a buoyant suit. The Speedo LZR Racer suit was developed after years of intensive research and development in consultation with swimmers, coaches and experts and was fully approved by FINA. The Speedo LZR Racer suit was deliberately designed with 50% exclusive LZR Pulse woven fabric so as to avoid aiding buoyancy in the water.

    Speedo believes a return to textile only body suits as per the Melbourne World Championships 2007 would have dealt with the issue. Despite today’s decision to return to jammers for men and open back knee-skin suits for women, Speedo will continue to work with the world’s leading athletes, coaches and experts to develop the most innovative swimwear and equipment. As a forward thinking company, Speedo remains committed to growing the sport of swimming at every level.

    Les SwimmingWorld Magazine

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