Amerikanarar menna (og patentera) nýtt svimjitak

Hmm, SwimmingWorld Magazine hevur eina “Industry News” grein nú um vøruna hjá einum av sínum sponsorum, sum eftir øllum at døma hevur mennt eitt nýtt og betri tak enn vanliga crawl-takið. Har er trademark á, og tey eru í ferð við at patentera tað, og tú sleppur opinbart ikki at síggja hetta Cross-Stroke™ takið, fyrr enn tú hevur keypt videoina frá teimum.

Úr greinini á SwimInfo:

In traditional crawl swimming, “As the arm goes beneath the water, power is lost as there is no ability from shoulder muscles to pull the swimmer through the water,” noted stroke developer Tom Cross. “The only forward force is gained as the arm passes the 90 degree mark (straight down) and the shoulder muscles push backward until the arm comes passed the hips and leaves the water. In the Cross-Stroke™ video are examples to dramatize the poor performance and injury caused by traditional freestyle stroke swimming. The patent-pending Cross-Stroke™ maximizes performance through more effective use of both the bi- and triceps power muscles while nearly eliminating injury.

Heimasíðan eitur, um nakar skuldi verið áhugaður at kanna málið.

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