It’s official: Phelps roykti marihuana

Michael Phelps viðgongur tað sjálvur sambært SwimmingWorld Magazine og eina rúgvu av øðrum fjølmiðlum, og USA Swimming og US Olympic Committee eru tí sjálvsagt ógvuliga skuffaði. Onkur avstralskur miðil hoverar undir yvirskriftini “Going off with a bong: gold medallist’s life is up in smoke”, og við setningum sum “He looked just as natural with a bong in his hands as he does swimming in the pool”.

13 thoughts on “It’s official: Phelps roykti marihuana”

  1. World Anti-Doping Association sigur sambært SwimmingWorld/Associated Press:

    Marijuana is viewed differently from performance-enhancing drugs, according to David Howman, executive director of the World Anti-Doping Agency. An athlete is subject to WADA sanctions only for a positive test that occurs during competition periods.

    “We don’t have any jurisdiction,” Howman said. “It’s not banned out of competition. It’s only if you test positive in competition.”

  2. Altjóða svimjisambandið fyrigevur Phelps, sí tíðindaskriv her á

    After acknowledging the behaviour of Michael Phelps (USA), the greatest Olympian ever and best swimmer in history, FINA would like to reiterate its confidence and admiration for a young champion that publicly apologised for his act.

    Following his unprecedented eight gold medals in a single edition of the Olympic Games, Michael Phelps definitively became a model for youth worldwide. His achievements, winning attitude and respect for his opponents are values that will remain in the history of sport.

    As a citizen, Michael Phelps displayed inappropriate behaviour, but his sincere regret and the promise that such a situation will not happen again are sufficient guarantees that this great star will continue generating respect and appreciation to all fans of our sport around the globe.

    FINA certainly counts on Michael Phelps to highlight the next editions of the FINA World Championships and other prestigious swimming competitions in the future.

    Og hetta skrivið verður so aftur viðgjørt av Ekstra Blaðnum og viðmerkjarum har:

  3. Amerikanska svimjisambandið hevur givið honum eina nøs og 3 mánaðar karantenu frá fíggjarligum stuðuli og kapping. Og Kelloggs hevur strikað sítt sponsorat.

    Michael Phelps sigur sjálvur (kanska ikki beinleiðis vegna hetta) at hann umhugsar sína framtíð sum svimjari. Og her er so í øllum førum nógvar viðmerkingar um ‘bongina’ hjá honum.

      1. You’r a d… really 😉
        Fínasta slag. Tað er í lagi at roykja hash um tú fyrst vinnur 12 OL gull til land títt hahahaha. Eitt dreyma scenario, sølan av hash var stoppa beinan vegin um moralurin hjá fólki var á sama støði sum tann hjá Phelps 😉

  4. Tey eru nógv sum hava Phelps sum fyrimynd, og foreldrini eru tí ill:

    We told her look at this. One bad choice could keep the greatest swimmer ever from competing. Everyone is presented with choices all the time, and it’s hard. … But sometimes if you make the wrong choice, it could mean your life

    Her er onkur fíggjarfrøðingur sum undrast á hví Phelps yvirhøvur fær pening frá USA Swimming, sum er ætlaður til svimjarar ið hava trupult við at fáa økonomiina at hanga saman vegna svimjing. So nú verður hann endavendur, Phelps.

    1. Dobultmoralir tá ið hann er bestur. Tað skal ikki undra meg um hesar somu mammur keypa fløgur við tónleiki frá Heroin & Kokain junkies og hvat veit eg.
      Totalt idioti um nakar spyr meg. Men Phelps er ein verri nissa um hann letur hetta stoppa hann. Ok ein fantastisk verri nissa.. 8 gull til OL telur við hehe.

      1. Ótrúligt sum so lítið kann gera alt annað ‘skeg’ rættiliga kiksað …

        Annars gott lag, tit ungu, frá tá ið tónleikarar dugdu at smíða løg …

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