Er hetta bringusvimjing?

Grikski Romanos Alyfantis svam nú 26. oktober 100 bringu á 1:00.37, sum jú er ein rættiliga rættiliga góð tíð. Men um tit hyggja at videoini her niðanfyri, so er tað nokk spurningurin um tað er bringusvimjing hann svimur, ella bringutøk við firvaldabeinum.

Bæði SwimInfo og SwimNews stúrsa við, og siga at føturnar skulu altso peika út eftir í bringuspørkunum. Alyfantis er forrestin sami grikkin sum í 2005 vann silvur í 100 bringu á evropameistarastevnuni í Trieste, og sum eisini tá varð hart kritiseraður fyri sín teknikk.

One thought on “Er hetta bringusvimjing?”

  1. Ja eg las um sirkusi á SwimNews t. 23. Okt.

    An interesting development this one: a Slovenian swimmer, Emil Tahirovic, and his coach, Roni Pikec, are to receive a Fair Play award at UNESCO Headquarters, essentially for exposing what he alleged to be an illegal breaststroke being used by Greek swimmer Romanos Alifantis. Still with me?

    Right, here we go: the International Committee for Fair Playwill award Slovenian swimmer Emil Tahirovic and his coach Roni Pikec with the ‘Act of Fair Play’ award at the international level at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on December 7.

    The pair last year pointed to irregularities in the breaststroke style of Greek swimmer Romanos Alifantis at a swimming meeting in Athens. But judges took no action. Alifantis’s style has been the topic of much discussion in the past two years pooldeck at various meets.


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