Open Water nevndin hjá FINA hevur sambært fráboðað Valerijus Belovas úr Litava og Steven Munatones úr USA, at teirra tænasta sum høvuðsdómarar ikki longur er neyðug. Belovas var hann sum var høvuðsdómari í Fujairah nær Dubai, tá ið Fran Crippen doyði har á World Cup stevnu í havsvimjing í heyst, meðan Munatones sambært keldum hjá verður straffaður fyri at hava tosað við miðlar um innanhýsis viðurskifti í FINA. verjir hinvegin báðar mennirnar, at Belovas hevur sagt at stevnan í Fujairah var einki ørvísi enn aðrar Open Water stevnur hjá FINA, og at tað einasta sum Munatones hevur gjørt, er at arbeiða fyri at fáa trygdina betri í havsvimjing.
Her tosar SwimmingWorld Magazine við Munatones:
Belovas hevur sambært skrivað í telduposti (ikki til SwimNews, men til aðra keldu)
“Organisation of the competition in Fujairah did not differ at all from what I have been observing for as long as 15 years. Organisation of other FINA events was even worse … I would like to emphasize that what happened during the World Cup in Fujairah could happen during any competition. … We need new specifications, requirements to the organization of safety during competitions and it is namely us who have to do this. I am very sorry about what has happened and declare that there were no violations of the competition organization applied in our usual practice during the World Cup in Fujairah.”
… og …
“I would like to emphasize that what happened during the World Cup in Fujairah could happen during any competition. … We need new specifications, requirements to the organization of safety during competitions and it is namely us who have to do this”
Lesið eisini hetta á frá í januar mánaða, um tit hava ordiliga góða tíð.