Amaury Leveaux umhugsar boycott av Rom

Hann er ikki í iva um at tað verður ein svimjari í Jaked J01 sum vinnur 50 frí, og síðani hann sjálvur er bundin at TYR, so ivast hann enntá í um hann yvirhøvur nær finaluna. “I’d rather take a holiday”, sigur Levaux við L’Equipe, og skoytir seinni uppí “…from Jan 1, we’ll see who’s really the best”. Leveaux hevur fingið bjóðað at bara svimja í J01, men hann ivast: “”..perhaps I could go faster, I don’t know. At the same time, I’m a little afraid. Suppose I do go fast, what happens come January 1? If that happens, I go from super fast to super bad.” Les


(Leveaux á EM í Rijeka)
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Zueva snýtt fyri 25.000 evrur vegna drál hjá FINA

Russiska Anastasia Zueva svam 27.47 í eini Arena X-Glide á russisku HM úttøkustevnuni í vár, sum hevði verið heimsmet, um ikki FINA eftirfylgjandi valdi at forbjóða Arena X-Glide. Draktin var tá enn ikki góðkend av FINA, men FINA hevði heldur ikki klárt meldað út, hvørjar avleiðingarnar vóru av at svimja í eini enn-ikki-góðkendari drakt.

Á Mare Nostrum í Monaco svimur Zueva so 27.56, sum eisini er undir heimsmet. Hon svimur í eini Arena Revolution, av tí at Arena X-Glide nú eftir 19. mai ikki er á listanum hjá FINA, yvir góðkendar draktir. Men fyriskipararnir í Monaco hava skrásett sær 27.47 sum heimsmet, og kalla hana tí ikki inn til dopingtest. Og nú, tá ið 27.47 ikki verður góðkent sum heimsmet, so verður 27.56 heldur ikki góðkent sum heimsmet, tí at hon ikki varð dopingtestað í Monaco sambært krøvunum til at kunna seta heimsmet.
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Schoeman vil hava svimjarar at standa saman

Suðurafrikanski Roland Schoeman roynir nú at stovna ein felagsskap fyri svimjarar, til at fáa eitt sindur av maktini aftur frá FINA, og til at hjálpa við at stýra ítróttinum. Hann hevur stovnað bólkin “International Swimmers Association” á Facebook, har tað í innganginum stendur:

FINA have until now exerted far too much control on the world of swimming. We as swimmers and the major attraction behind any national/international swim meet need to finally stand together and unite as one voice so that we can help control our sport.
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LEN heldur seg til fyrra FINA lista ísv EJM

LEN fráboðar nú í tíðindaskrivi, at tey á evropeisku juniormeistarastevnuni í Prag fara at halda seg til FINA listan frá 19. mai, yvir góðkendar draktir, heldur enn at brúka tann sum kom út nú mánadagin:

Dear Friends,

With the Circular Letter of 1st June 2009 LEN informed about the procedure for the use of swimsuits at the LEN European Junior Swimming Championships to be held in Prague (CZE) from 8 to 12 July 2009.

Even though FINA has now published an additional list of approved swimsuits, LEN will maintain the FINA List from 19 May 2009 (revised 25 May 2009). The reason for maintaining the list from 19 May 2009 is that we cannot expect that all swimsuits that have just been approved this week will be available for all athletes in Prague (CZE).

It is LEN’s aim to keep the Championships as fair as possible for all competitors. We ask for your kind co-operation in this matter.

With kind regards,

Søren Korbo, Chairman LEN TSC

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Tí mugu superdraktirnar verða verandi

Kjakið í seinastuni hevur týðiliga víst, at hóast nógv tala at superdraktunum, so er tað eisini tey sum halda at tær eiga at verða verandi. Her niðanfyri eru fimm argument av blogguni hjá Southern Aquatics Swim Scaq Swim Club, undir yvirskriftini “Why the suits must stay!

  1. Never in the history of swimming have there been so many multinational rivalries – the playing field has been leveled
  2. Never in the history of swimming have there been as many televised swimming events both on cable and on the web
  3. We have more than two major players now sponsoring meets and open water events – Speedsuit revenue generated these sponsorships
  4. This isn’t your grandpa’s swimming any more and they have this new thingy called “goggles” too
  5. Two words: snappy dressers! Just look at that handsome devil above taking flight in his manly TYR Tracer Light modesty suit!

Fólk eru nú beinleiðis forargað um FINA

Nøkur úttalilsi úr grein á SwimNews:

  • Alain Bernard (fronsk superstjørna): “This decision will have serious consequences for swimming and us swimmers. FINA’s positions are contradictory and impossible to understand.”
  • Denis Auguin (venjari hjá Bernard): “It is beyond comprehension. We will see swimmers going well beyond what they are capable of and rivaling the best in the world. It is a complete absurdity. World swimming is … the athletes not the incompetents in the FINA office in Lausanne.”
  • Christian Donzé (franska svimjisambandið): “On one hand they ask us what we think of the idea of a return to textile … and on the other they approve the 100% polyurethane Jaked. That makes no sense.”
  • Lionel Horter (franskur landsliðsvenjari): “What has become of our sport? What are the values and priorities of the people in charge? It is such a terrible mess. Protest at worlds? I will do all I can to ridicule FINA.”
  • Jacco Verhaeren (hálendskur landsliðsvenjari): “It’s a nasty take of our sport. The first question that will be put to any winner in Rome will be ‘what suit are you wearing’ and the second one will be: ‘did you win because of your suit”. I am truly disturbed by this.”
  • Helge Goedecke (avstralskur venjari): “I thought what we saw in Beijing would not happen again. And now look… Why is FINA falling over? Everyone has the problem now to have to test suits. But how are you supposed to test them if you can’t buy them.”
  • Hugues Duboscq (franskur OL-heiðursmerkjavinnari): “I have a contract (adidas) that I will stick to. I am [skating] on ice. I will not wear a Jaked because I’d be too fast. The world championships are ruined … that’s not sport. It is [swimming] my passion, I’m not playing at it.”
  • Bernard Moustie (umboð fyri Speedo): “If Michael Phelps gets pulverised by a second-wrung swimmer, that will be be a good slap for FINA.”
  • Alan Thompson (avstralskur landsliðsvenjari): “I am extremely disappointed with the outcome.”
  • Grant Stoelwinder (venjari hjá Eamon Sullivan): “I know what the Jaked’s capable of.”
  • Forbes Carlile (avstralsk venjaralegenda): “By failing to speak up there are many in swimming who should hang their heads in shame over this disaster, which they have aided and abetted.”
  • John Leonard (venjaraumboð hjá FINA): “Suffice it to say to you, the decision of the [FINA] Executive does not follow the decisions of the Suit Commission in any way. I will express myself (after some questions) in Rome, face to face with the Executive.”

FINA góðkent 6 heimsmet, og vrakað 6 onnur

Altjóða svimjisambandið FINA hevur sambært tíðindaskrivi á í dag góðkent 6 heimsmet, meðan 5 onnur enn bíða av ymiskum orsøkum, og 6 eru kolldømd vegna nýtslu av ólógligum draktum.

Nýggj heimsmet í 50 metra hyli:

  • Joanne Jackson (GBR), 400 frí 4:00.66 (16. mars í Sheffield)
  • Rafael Muñoz (ESP), 50 firvald 22.43 (5. apríl í Malaga)
  • Marleen Veldhuis (NED), 50 firvald 25.33 (19. apríl í Amsterdam)
  • Marleen Veldhuis (NED), 50 frí 23.96 (19. apríl í Amsterdam)

Nýggj heimsmet í 25 metra hyli:

  • Nikolay Skvortsov (RUS), 200 firvald 1:50.53 (11. februar í Skt. Pætursborg)
  • Shiho Sakai (JPN), 100 rygg 56.15 (22. februar í Tokyo)

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