Bowman: 100 meturin fer at missa mest við superdraktunum

Craig Lord hevði í leypi av World Cup í Berlin eitt interview við Michael Phelps og venjara hansara Bob Bowman, sum tit kunnu lesa her á, har Bowman millum annað sigur rættiliga áhugavert: “After January 1, the 100m freestyle, I would say, is probably going to be the most different race of all of them, given what’s happened. Those last 20m are going to be critical. In those last 20m you are going to need to be there. You are going to have to be on it at the finish. Michael’s good at that. You are not going to be able just to let the suit carry you, to go out easier.”


100 meturin er altso eitt mál hjá Michael Phelps, at vinna á Olympisku Leikum í London í 2012. Men spurdur um hvørja grein tað er allarmest sannlíkt at hann fer at svimja á OL í 2012, svarar Phelps: “The 200 ‘fly. My mom probably won’t let me give that up. Its sort of a family tradition. Both my sisters swam it and it was how I made my first Olympics and the race in which I broke my first world record.”

Annað áhugavert í samrøðuni, er til dømis tá ið Phelps listar upp sínar størstu ósigrar, har hann til dømis sigur at tað mest flóvisliga var 100 metrar firvald á HM í 2005, tá ið hann helt seg hava vunnið, men vísti seg at hava tapt ímóti Ian Crocker. Ella tá ið Bowman sigur um hepnið hjá Phelps í 100 firvald á OL í Beijing: “Was he lucky to win the 100 ‘fly? Absolutely. But there were years that went into that, years of practicing … ”. [He makes a stabbing motion to replicate the fast-finish that kept the eight-gold-medal dream alive.] “You make your own luck.”

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